A-01 is an interdisciplinary network organization. In a globally urbanizing society, we work at the borderline of city and countryside or help identifying new synergies between the urban and the rural domain. Our participatory design methodologies are developed to co-create integrally sustainable solutions for urban and rural development. We intend to break the boundaries of a single professional perspective in order to allow for a holistic approach that shapes our products. We envision a long-term impact that involves economic growth, a high quality spatial surrounding, a responsible use of natural resources and an equal social development. This complex set of factors is simply referred to as the 4E of integral sustainability: Economy, Engineering, Environment, and Equity. These multidimensional factors are researched and brought into an optimized relationship, depending on the specific parameters and priorities of each project. All our assignments are carried out with custom fit teams of experts and entities, introducing A Company and its non-profit counterpart A Foundation as operational vehicles. While the company is dedicated to local consulting and planning services, the foundation researches and communicates transformative processes with respect to the urban and rural conditions worldwide. Moreover, we formulate projects to support local populations that have become vulnerable due to these globally shifting conditions. With close to 20 years of professional experience, the portfolio of A-01 includes services rendered in territorial and architectural planning, product and industrial design, renewable energy and mobility concepts, capacity building processes and education, as well as conferences and exhibition designs. Our client list is composed of bilateral and multilateral donors, public institutions, academic entities, non-governmental or grassroots organizations, private companies and individuals.