Submaterial creates thoughtful and precisely hand-crafted design pieces for modern interiors. From small residential panels to large-scale commercial installations, our designs are pared down to essential elements of material, pattern, and function. In their simplicity and beauty these works explore the territory between objects of art and objects of design.
Our designs are made-to-order and have an underlying modularity which allows for both creative flexibility and a straightforward installation. As both the designer and the manufacturer, Submaterial can easily customize any of our products, changing color or scale to suit the intended environment.
From its start in 2006 in the rain-drenched Pacific Northwest to our current sun-soaked New Mexico studio, Submaterial has always focused on natural and sustainable materials such as wool felt, cork, wood, and leather. These materials are fashioned by hand into beautifully surfaced wallcoverings, panels, screens, and more by our skilled fabricators using environmentally conscious and lean manufacturing processes.
We create beautiful and responsibly produced designs for human spaces while supporting the humans who made them.