Vital Visions: Why Capturing Movement Will Elevate Your Architectural Photographs
Combining dynamic human forms with iconically static architecture can create moving moments and awar d-winning architectural photographs.
Combining dynamic human forms with iconically static architecture can create moving moments and awar d-winning architectural photographs.
“I always feel a building has its own soul and it has its own character. You don’t treat it any diff erently than you would treat a person.”
Buildings are made to be inhabited. So, why don't more of our architectural photos use people to tel l stories about architecture?
Distilling architectural volumes into a single picture plane forces viewers to confront the monotony of modern towers and to hone in on distinguishing details.
Language, food, traditions and identity change drastically from state to state in India. Photos of t he country's architecture capture this plurality.
Kavin Kumar La Sa's photograph exudes a contagious warmth, illustrating the vital relationship betwe en home, hope and livelihoods.
Venla Rautajoki's photograph offers a unique perspective on the architecture of the Amos Rex Art Mus eum, meditating on timeless, human themes.
The winning photographs brilliantly encapsulate a wide spectrum of human emotions and the architectu ral spaces that frame them.
These incredible photographs capture key aspects of architecture and life in civilizations around th e world.