Architectural Details: The Shed at Hudson Yards
The 200,000-square-foot structure features a movable steel and ETFE outer shell.
The 200,000-square-foot structure features a movable steel and ETFE outer shell.
In architecture, ideas can be inspiring as many finished structures.
This seven-tower complex references the rich textures and surface complexity of historic Mayan archi tecture.
We see that many architects actually earn very little, considering the work that they do and the res ponsibilities they carry. It’s time to change that.
These pieces of trivia illustrate why the Jeddah Tower will be an truly awe-inspiring once complete.
You name it, there is not a building type that Adjaye Associates has not touched and redefined in th e process.
When you bring together a group of internationally recognized designers to conceive unique seating f or a park in Sweden, you don’t get benches — you get Superbenches. At the end of April, a special installation by the same name opened in Järfälla, outside of Stockholm, as part of a broader two-year urban development program, and…
“If you can’t expand the role of the architect in standard proposals, you should make up projects of your own,” argues Turkish-born architect Koray Duman.
Here are 10 crackers to get your creative juices flowing.