New Yorkers generally know to avoid Times Square if possible, but we’ve got a pro tip for locals and visitors alike: if you happen to be in the neighborhood this week, you might just catch a glimpse of, say, Hasselt Courthouse or Rundeskogen, among the other architectural stunners. That’s right, Architizer is currently broadcasting the winners of the 2015 A+Awards on a billboard in Times Square — because we couldn’t think of a better place to reach the world than its proverbial crossroads!
Video by Miljenko Bernfest
The high-profile placement comes thanks to a partnership with PVBLIC, a development and advisory firm that awards grants of unused media space to boost awareness of important causes … including great architecture! The slideshow will be running intermittently throughout the next few days, but we understand if you don’t want to brave the crowds — rest assured that they’re seeing the very best of contemporary architecture on the big screen.

Photo by Miljenko Bernfest
And here you thought that the 2015 program culminated last week with the A+Awards gala at the High Line Stages and launch of the Phaidon book …

Photo by Miljenko Bernfest