See New York City Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

Matt Shaw Matt Shaw

Wearable cameras and point-of-view videos have opened our eyes to all sorts of new angles of viewing, including an eagle-eye view of the French Alps as it soars down a valley, all sorts of extreme sports videos that make your heart skip a beat, what sculptures in museums see, and even the first Google Glass porn video (NSFW). We have even covered the best building BASE jumps.

These are some extreme videos, but photographer Diego Acosta López decided to take the opposite approach. He put a camera in his baby’s stroller and walked around New York City, getting a toddler’s-eye view of the city. It doesn’t get much safer than the inside a stroller.

The views show us what babies see, which is often obscured by a plastic rain screen. López harnesses this odd filter, which distorts the city as it rolls by at knee-level. An additional level of irony is woven in when the baby’s feet are visible, as in extreme sports videos — except, of course, that its a baby being pushed around in a stroller by his dad.

All images courtesy Diego Acosta López

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