7 Carefully Crafted Timber Homes Nestled in the Nordic Landscape
Celebrate the harmony between man-made structure and natural environment with these Norwegian reside ntial designs.
Architectural case studies and material exemplars to spark your creativity and inspire your next project.
Celebrate the harmony between man-made structure and natural environment with these Norwegian reside ntial designs.
Over the past 10 years, the A+Awards have highlighted designers playing with materials, textures and colors to create the best sanctuaries for health.
Architects are confronting how to best preserve aging cast-iron structures and are finding new possi bilities for the material in changing urban contexts.
The studio is grounded in a research-based design method that extends to the way that MVRDV visualiz es new projects through renderings.
Innovations in building envelopes allow for architecture that is even more tailored to the environme ntal conditions — even those that change hourly.
Bofill and his team, operating out of a former cement factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, designe d surrealist housing projects like Walden 7 and Muralla Roja.
Walking through his structures, there is a sense of musicality that elevates them beyond their physi cal reality as shells of brick and concrete.
Each artist has masterfully crafted an emotive image that offers a new perspective on an existing ar chitectural structure.
Architects are increasingly conscious about the impact their designs have on the environment. A+Awar ds winning projects have lead the way.