6 Instagram Photographs Capture the Lone Architecture of American Cities
Each building is portrayed with a sense of dignity ennobled through its central composition, vibrant colors and rich textures
Each building is portrayed with a sense of dignity ennobled through its central composition, vibrant colors and rich textures
This app takes a lot of the grunt work out of the otherwise tedious task of surveying existing build ings.
As a kid, I plagued my parents with relentless questions about the inner-workings of buildings. They perceived my curiosity as a good sign, but my questions got a bit overwhelming. They did their best to answer, but as neither of them is an architect or engineer, the depth of their explanations was relatively limited. My…
The Columbia University Medical Center’s new state-of-the-art medical and graduate education buildin g — the Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center — now looms large over the neighborhood. The 14-story glass and concrete tower, located in Washington Heights in Northern Manhattan, was designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro in collaboration with Gensler and forms an extraordinary…
This iPad app carries tracing paper into the digital realm.
This week, the World Heritage Committee added 17 buildings by the Swiss-born French Modernist archit ect Le Corbusier to the UNESCO World Heritage list, forming a “transnational serial site” encompassing many of his most iconic works. Reflecting the international legacy and influence of the architect, this form of architectural “site” is not restricted to one location:…
Who said architecture students have to be architects?
“Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are fomenting the biggest revolution in architecture since the inve ntion of steel, concrete and the elevator,” exclaimed Architizer founder Marc Kushner on Medium last year. “It is a media revolution.” If any further evidence was needed to support the architect’s claim, this is surely it. Iwan Baan and SO – IL(Solid…
These are spaces of invention, idea-testing and collaboration.