This Art Museum is Designed to Hold Its Ground Against Nature’s Extremes

Architizer Editors Architizer Editors

For millennia, nature’s forces like fire and flood have sculpted this landscape. Bundanon’s architectural response stands as a testament to resilience, adapting to the shifting climate and aiming for net zero energy, all while withstanding nature’s fiercest elements.

This intervention transforms a once vulnerable area into a haven for art and environment. It includes an underground Art Museum for preserving artworks and The Bridge, a multifunctional space housing creative learning areas, dining spaces, a cafe, and bedrooms—all harmoniously coexisting with the natural surroundings.

The Art Museum, seamlessly integrated into the landscape, is built to resist fire. Meanwhile, The Bridge is designed to work with nature, allowing flood waters to pass without causing harm.

In essence, this project successfully merges nature’s might with innovative architectural solutions, creating spaces for art, learning and community.

Read More About the Project

Project: Museum Bundanon
Firm: Kerstin Thompson Architects
Finalist, 11th Annual A+Awards, Art Museum + Bridge

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