From Daunting to Done: How to Pass Your Architecture Exams in 6 Months or Less

By leveraging effective study techniques and high-quality resources, you can become a licensed architect in no time.

Eric Baldwin Eric Baldwin

Becoming a licensed architect is a significant milestone in an architect’s career, and passing the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) is a critical step in that journey. The ARE is a challenging series of tests designed to ensure that architects possess the knowledge and skills necessary to practice independently.

The ARE is designed to rigorously assess your knowledge and skills across various domains of architectural practice. While the journey to licensure can be daunting, a strategic and disciplined approach can expedite the process.

By leveraging effective study techniques and high-quality resources while maintaining a balanced lifestyle, you can pass all six ARE divisions in six months or less. This guide provides a step-by-step plan, filled with actionable tips to help you reach your goal efficiently and confidently.

1. Understand the ARE 5.0 Format

Before diving into study materials, familiarize yourself with the ARE 5.0 format. The exam consists of six divisions:

  1. Practice Management (PcM)
  2. Project Management (PjM)
  3. Programming & Analysis (PA)
  4. Project Planning & Design (PPD)
  5. Project Development & Documentation (PDD)
  6. Construction & Evaluation (CE)

Each division tests specific areas of architectural practice, and understanding the content and structure of each is crucial for effective preparation. Begin by reviewing the NCARB’s ARE 5.0 Handbook, which provides detailed information on exam content, sample questions, and the percentage of each content area within each division.

This knowledge will help you tailor your study plan to focus on the most heavily weighted topics and ensure you are well-prepared for each specific exam section. Understanding the exam’s format also helps reduce anxiety and builds confidence as you become familiar with what to expect on test day.

2. Create a Study Schedule

Given the overlaps in content and knowledge areas for each exam, Amber Book creator Michael Ermann recommends candidates study all topics holistically and then take the exams within a condensed time frame, over the span of a few weeks. Develop a detailed study schedule that outlines when and how you will study for the ARE.

It’s helpful to approach the ARE as one exam instead of individual tests when studying due to the overlap in content from division to division. Amber Book has developed an ambitious yet manageable 16 week schedule based on 12 hours of study time per week:

  • Weeks 1-2: Systems: Thermal, HVAC Section, Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics, Lighting, Practice Problems
  • Weeks 3-4: Construction: Roofs, Wood, Steel, Concrete, Masonry, Enclosure, Structures
  • Week 5: Catch up week!
  • Week 6: Site; Systems, Construction, & Site Bonus Questions
  • Week 7: Codes; Codes Bonus Questions
  • Week 8: Flash Cards: PPD, PDD, and PA
  • Week 9: Practice Exams: PPD, PDD, and PA
  • Week 10: Catch up week!
  • Week 11: Pro Practice (Through lesson 70)
  • Week 12: Pro Practice (All remaining lessons); Pro Practice Bonus Questions
  • Week 13: Flashcards: PjM, PcM, and CE
  • Week 14: Practice Exams: PjM, PcM, and CE
  • Week 15: Take NCARB’s Demonstration Exam
  • Week 16: Take all of your remaining exams; review the Amber Book Panic Notes

Adjust this timeline based on your personal schedule and study habits. Additionally, include buffer periods for review and practice exams, especially as exam dates approach. Break down your own study schedule into goals, specifying particular chapters, topics, or practice tests to cover. Regularly review your progress and adjust your schedule if necessary to ensure you stay on track.

3. Gather Study Materials

Invest in high-quality study materials. Amber Book is an excellent resource, offering comprehensive video tutorials, practice exams, and study guides. Their materials are designed to help you grasp complex concepts quickly and effectively.

There are also plenty of great textbooks that can form a valuable reference point throughout your studies. Consider supplementing these materials with other trusted resources, such as NCARB’s official practice exams, to ensure a well-rounded preparation.

4. Focus on Content Ownership

No matter what schedule you take the exams in, whether condensed or spaced over months, content ownership matters. It’s less about memorizing facts, more about application of knowledge. Review your practice tests to gain a comprehensive grasp of the subjects you need to study further and pay close attention to the way questions are framed.

Many questions can be quite verbose and detailed, making it challenging to distinguish the crucial information if you’re not well-versed in the material. To improve your chances of success, practice identifying key points within lengthy questions. Learn more about content ownership by downloading Amber Book’s 9 Tips for Passing the ARE 5.0.

5. Use Active Learning Techniques

Passive reading is not enough to master the material. Engage in active learning techniques such as:

  • Flashcards: Engage flashcards for important terms and concepts.
  • Practice Tests: Regularly take practice exams to identify areas of weakness.
  • Group Study: Join or form a study group to discuss and clarify difficult topics.

Look for visual and interactive learning tools that can enhance your study sessions, making it easier to retain information.

6. Take Care of Your Health

Studying for the ARE can be stressful, and maintaining good health is essential. Ensure you:

  • Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Exercise Regularly: Physical activity can reduce stress and improve focus.
  • Eat Healthily: A balanced diet fuels your brain and keeps you energized.

Amber Book’s ‘Managing ARE Stress’ eBook — available to download for free here — is a valuable resource to help candidates cope with the process calmly and maximize the chance of success.

7. Schedule Your Exams Strategically

Plan your exam dates to align with your study schedule. Give yourself enough time to thoroughly prepare for each division, but don’t delay unnecessarily. Use the 60-day retake rule to your advantage; if you fail an exam, you must wait 60 days before retaking it, so plan accordingly.

8. Practice Time Management

During the exam, time management is crucial. Practice answering questions under timed conditions to get used to the pace you’ll need to maintain. Allocate time for reviewing your answers and ensure you don’t spend too long on any single question.

9. Stay Motivated and Persistent

Passing the ARE requires persistence and motivation. Celebrate small victories along the way, such as completing a practice test or mastering a difficult topic. It’s also a great idea to stay connected with other candidates for support and encouragement — there are dedicated Facebook and LinkedIn groups for people on the path to licensure, as well as community-based resources like the ARE 5.0 Community hosted by NCARB.

Bonus: Utilize Amber Book’s Resources

Amber Book is an industry-leading course for architecture exam prep and offers holistic guidance for passing the ARE, including digestible tips for efficient studying and in-depth strategies for mastering exam content. Members of Amber Book community benefit from a range of materials including:

  • 375-page illustrated workbook
  • Case study examples
  • Digital flashcards
  • Practice exams
  • Panic notes
  • 20-Minute one-on-ones
  • Free weekly study sessions

Moreover, Amber Book members become a part of an engaged network of learners, so you’ll never feel like you are studying alone and can gain both inspiration and motivation from your peers. Your chances of succeeding will increase when you work as a group!

Final Thoughts

Passing the ARE in six months or less is an ambitious but achievable goal. By understanding the exam format, creating a structured study plan, utilizing high-quality study materials, and maintaining your health and motivation, you can successfully navigate the exams and achieve licensure.

Remember, every architect’s journey is unique. Stay focused on your goal, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. With determination and the right resources, you can become a licensed architect. Good luck!

Get a free copy of Amber Book’s 9 tips for passing the ARE 5.0 and learn more about their courses here.

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