The exterior of a building as a scene
Gunma which is located from 2 hours by train from Tokyo, is the car society and, a car ownership rate per person of Gunma is the highest in Japan. Usually, a context of creating architectures is quoted from a neigborhood and small area where we can go on foot. However,we need to quote a context from a wider range in this case and, design it by a macro scale of the scenery.such as the roof form which is conscious of the form of peripheral mountains (Mt.Akagi and etc).
In the case of apartment, a tenant experiences only own dwelling, and it shares the exterior of a building with each other. Always a difference between apartment and detached house is important matter. It will have the new value beyond the conventional apartment, when tenants of the apartment acquire “a sensation of living in a detached house”. (Sunao Koase /SNARK)
Wooden structure as Apartment house
The problem of wooden apartments is “sound”. Caused by light material, vibration from the upper floor gets across to a lower storey easily (of course also in the next dwelling). I consider the problem, dwellings don’t share walls and ceilings with adjoining dwellings. A base material of ceiling is light gauge steel. Therefore, base materials separate from beams by build over base materials in interval of pillar-pillar, in the same way of a beam for supporting the floor.
In regard to the next room wall, a pillar is arranged alternately two rows and wall thickness is increased. Simultaneously, in a part of roof, this double pillar supports the each different roof. Thereby, construction of roof form is also made easy.
Apparently, the thickness of a wall and a ceiling seems useless. But it function as equipment that reduces sound from the upper floor and the next dwelling. It could say that all dwellings that have no parting wall are several isolated. (Shin Yokoo /OUVI)