Both Pushkinsky Square and Pushkinsky Ciemna Hall determine one of the most significant urban spaces. Revitalization of cinema building provides to restore past splendor, creating distinguishable landmark.
The square in front of the cinema building creates inviting foreground and exhibits rank of place. This space gives wide possibilities of public use.
According to the design idea, it is needed to exploit public potential of Pushkinsky Square with entertainment function of Pushkinsky Cinema Hall.
Designed extension over square, creates open space, which obtains special value. Arises multifunctional space, offering wide field of possibilities with entertainment, cultural and commercial exploitation:
open air theaters, concerts, art exhibitions, multimedia projections, outdoor events, meeting point.
As a result, the functional boundary between the cinema building and the square disappears.
Unique form of designed building is read as a sculpture in a space of Pushkinsky Square. Size of new building correlates well with the existing, surrounding buildings and become a distinguishable landmark in scale of Moscow city.
Open space inside the new form is infiltrated by trees. This effect blurring boarder between open space of the square and solid form of the cinema building. Intriguing vestibule and red pavement (like festival’s red carpet) underscores the entrance to the Cinema Hall.
Technology of DuPont products permits to form individual and unique shapes of façades. DuPont Corian material is fixed to spatial steel construction. Division of panels relates to characteristic elevation grid of existing cinema building. White cover material chosen on the façade, neutrally refers to surrounding, both greenery and buildings.
There are linear lighting elements in the slots between the panels. Illumination of those light systems make unusual effects during events and premieres.