Each one of us has these memories from his individual special toy. That's why the exhibitions' form treatment becomes an important element for the overall concept, "This was my own special world".
Since we were young, we were pure, simple, clear and non-aggressors. So are the museum’s form .
The access to the Toy Museum is obvious and divided into the forms programmatic functionality. Upon entering, visitors will face their own first worlds which will be separated, discreted and -like every familiar tree house- penetrating the wide sky. They will find that the whole middle space of the museum will focus on the public spaces such as entrance, souvenir shop, main exhibition, temporary exhibition, library and cafe.
Toys had many types and classifications, we divided them to main eight types and starting thier interior form treatment depending on thier content. The temperory exhibition will be seperated as it depends on time zoning system which had more than one type elements. Links between each exhibitions work as an outdoor different approach sees the skyline for the context monements from different angel and hight every time. At the second level we creat a shortcut hidden corridor connecting all eight exhibitions had its access from thier emergency exits.