That is, something in front of appearances and materialthings, Most of what I do is sometimes consciously and sometimes subconsciouslydepicting my mindset and my mental state at the time. What I paid moreattention to during this period was the subject of the "self" beyondthe physical body and dimensions.Anything that makes sense and is not material. An attitudetowards the world and man that gives the aspect of happiness and hope. HowI expressed this concept in the form of a body is in fact a separation from theearth and then a physical part of the sky, while part of that attraction andattraction still prevents liberation. Exactly between that moment, that actionand the reaction. It's like a bird with its legs tied but its wings flutteringto fly.In this form, other concepts were important to me and becamehidden, including the past of Iranian architecture, which Isymbolically implemented in the form, because my concern has always been tocontinue the values of the past, either symbolically or space production. Iwill continue that path. In this form, the two main elements of Iranianarchitecture, the sharp and pointed arches, the first of which is oval and thesecond broken, and the main structural and formal element of Iranianarchitecture, are both visible in appearance and, incidentally, a structuralrole for power transfer. Played. The cans that make up this form are all thesame size to make the form modular, and because the components of the arch wereold bricks, this brick has become a symbol of these cans. Another point is thatthe form and the body can only be seen from the outside, when you are rightunder the element you see the sky.