Represented material is a design project of port region of Genoa. This project is a set of
solutions and proposals for reconstruction and redevelopment of the coastal area of Genoa port at the
territory of Fair of Genoa.
This project proposes to arrange a group of buildings on a project site in accordance with the
technical specification of the competition into two separate clusters.
The first group of buildings represents a nearly solid curved volume, repeating the curviness of
the highway, coming from overpass on a west to the traffic circle in the east side. This group is made up
of five fivestoried residential buildings. Basement floors contain embed spaces where are retail and
commercial areas, artisan shops, public and catering service areas are located. The underground level
is a parking. Every residential building has its own outlet from parking to residential areas. In a western
part there is a building of a youth centre. Ground floors of residential buildings include lobby,
ingeneering rooms, coworking zones for residents, workshops and children playrooms.
The second group of buildings is located on the island and united around the pavilion B in a Ushaped
form. This group includes the hotel building and the office centre building, hostel for sportsmen
and students, residential buildings and apart hotel. Basement floor of the residential buildings is a public
areas, retail areas, gyms, art galleries, catering service areas and artisan shops. The underground floor
is a car parking with individual outlets to a residential areas. Ground floors of residential buildings
include lobby, ingeneering rooms, coworking zones for residents, workshops and children playrooms.
General compositional idea is a mix design of visual effect of ships, standing at a pier and as an
additional compositional motif there was taken an image of historical city blocks of houses and palaces,
erected over the water level. The materials that used in project refer us to a ship construction - metal
and wood. The house construction materials refer to stone, stucco and glass.
In a chart given below you may watch the actual areas divided by functionality.