Studio O+A is a San Francisco-based interior design firm serving companies nationwide. Founded by Primo Orpilla and Verda Alexander during the early 1990s, O+A’s original mission was to bring sophisticated urban design to Silicon Valley start-ups and the venture firms who supported them. That start-up mentality is still a key feature of the O+A aesthetic, but through the years, the firm’s mission hasbroadened to include a range of services for a diverse client base that extends to all parts of the country. At Studio O+A we believe work environments grow organically from the culture of the client. Our focus is on identifying and understanding that culture and translating it into spatial terms. We recognize the economic and sociological forces that are transforming the way people work and live: the blurring boundaries between home and office, the ever increasing mobility of the workforce and the fluid movement of information. Our designs embrace the idea of mixing work with play, play with innovation and innovation with advancement. That’s how the most prosperous companies thrive in a global economy, and it’s how we have thrived for 21 years.