Light’s Camera Action: The CCTV-Equipped LED

Janelle Zara

Thomas Edison’s light bulb is arguably the single most influential invention of the last several hundred years. That doesn’t mean there’s no room for improvement.

Shanghai manufacturer Sengled has taken the bulb and brought it up to speed with our modern multi-tasking, energy-efficient sensibilities. The newly unveiled Sengled Snap, winner of the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show’s Innovation award in the Smart Home category, is an indoor/outdoor LED bulb that also features an integrated wide-angle IP (Internet protocol) camera equipped with microphone and speaker.

via digitalika

What Snap offers is the ultimate simple home security; installation is as straightforward as screwing in the bulb, then syncing the device to smartphone app. Its geo-fencing capabilities set a virtual border around your home and alert you whenever another GPS tracker crosses that line. Other features include: infrared night vision for when the light is off; motion detection; voice and facial recognition; and cloud-connected recording with playback… all accessible in the palm of your hand. You are re-affirmed as master of your smart domain.

Sengled offers an entire suite of multi-tasking smart bulbs that double as other things besides Panopticon. There’s also Sengled Pulse, the bluetooth speaker, and Sengled Boost, a wi-fi amplifier that brings connectivity to the dead zones in your home.

“At Sengled, we believe the lightbulb can be continuously reinvented to make life better for modern consumers,” says company CEO Johnson Shen, who looks to pick up where Edison left off. (Although thus far, there’s still no bulb that addresses the tech trends of calling your mom or cooking your dinner).

via Sengled