lang="en-US"> The Warmest Welcome From the Coolest Brand: Architizer/HWKN’s Office Heats Up With Allsteel - Architizer Journal

The Warmest Welcome From the Coolest Brand: Architizer/HWKN’s Office Heats Up With Allsteel

Architizer Editors

What’s the point of working in a cool office space if you can’t show it off once in a while? Surely you’ve seen the case study on the Architizer/HWKN office, decked out in Allsteel furniture, but of course the photos only go so far. In the interest of celebrating the summer here in NYC, Architizer recently hosted an open-house event with our sister company HWKN, welcoming friends and collaborators from the likes of Gensler, BIG, Ennead, HLW, Studio Gang, HOK, Ewing Cole, Perkins+Will, Gluckman Mayner Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Arquitectonica, and SHoP Architects.

© Michael Moran Photography

At the outset, partygoers largely clustered near the well-stocked bar and generous spread of hors d’oeuvres and canapés, presented atop the Harvest table in the lobby area — these common spaces remained crowded for the duration — but eventually filled out the open-plan space as staff offered tours to first-time visitors. Three long rows of Stride benching and Clarity task chairs accommodate some 50 total employees between the two companies; the Architizer and HWKN sides are separated by a series of conference rooms, enclosed by Beyond glass walls, in the center of the space.

Unsurprisingly, guests eventually gravitated toward the windows, which wrap around two walls of the corner office space; the Western exposure proved to be a tad warm in the evening sun but cooled off when the proverbial clock struck the golden hour. Indeed, the invitation had promised a “killer sunset view” and the unobstructed sightline, facing due west across Battery Park to the far shore of the Hudson, did not disappoint. We’ll spare you a description of the picture-perfect scene, but at least one guest was caught relaying a #FOMO photo to a coworker who had elected not to attend.

Between the pleasure of good company and the eminently Instagrammable view — not to mention the open bar — the Architizer+HWKN Open House was a resounding success. Thanks to everyone who came by — we know it was a work night — and if you didn’t make it this time, you can catch the view next time around!