Changing Architizer to Match Our Mission

Architizer’s revamp will help us achieve our longstanding mission — to connect architects with manufacturers and empower architecture.

Marc Kushner

Dear Architizer Community,

I’m Marc Kushner, CEO of Architizer, and I am thrilled to tell you about some exciting changes we have launched on Architizer to align your experience with our goal of building disruptive tools for the architecture profession.

Did you know that Architects in the United States choose nearly $100 billion worth of building-products every year? With that much spending power, and that much responsibility, we can’t believe that our profession still relies on Google, lunch-and-learns and trade shows to find the right products for projects.

We’re changing that — and transforming the construction industry in the process.

Since its inception in 2009, Architizer has never strayed from its original mission — to Empower Architecture. We believe that by applying market dynamics to the architectural building-product industry — and by exposing the raw collective power of architects — innovation will speed up, manufacturers will make better products and truly inspiring architecture will be constructed. We truly believe that better products, make better buildings, make a better world.

To this end, we’ve made some exciting changes. First and foremost we’ve revamped our homepage, so that when you come to Architizer, you can see straight away what we are working on. Our community marketplace for building-products is now front and center.

We continue to produce amazing content, but now it is exclusively geared towards professional architects. This content forms the new Architizer Journal, an expansive and indispensable publication on materials and building-products that is specially designed to help you create better buildings. At the heart of this will be our Product Guides, comprehensive, evergreen resources crafted to help answer architects’ questions as they select materials for their projects.

Besides these major new features, the site is faster and sleeker — a better experience for everyone.

I’m grateful to the entire Architizer community for your patience and support as we perfect our platform. Right now, the marketplace is by invitation only, but we are working to open it up to the entire United States architecture community, then Europe, then the world.

If you are a member of a US based firm working on exciting commercial and institutional projects, let us know and we will follow up with details about joining the platform.

I would love to hear from you. Write me a note to let me know how we are doing, and share any ideas you have for the platform. And don’t forget to Tweet at us and share your feedback, too!

Thank you for being here, and helping propel us into a new era of collaborative architecture!