Heritage-listed Waidburg Castle, a solitary structure that today serves as Natters city hall, now looks onto a largely horizontal structure that, despite its distinctive form, looks as if it had always been there.
At the heart of the design is a passe-partoutlike roofed gallery that frames the club house and the festival square with its stage as if they were gems and at the same time functions as a landscape viewing platform. Reminiscences of gazebo architecture are by all means intentional. The trees – especially the 100-year old chestnut trees – are integrated into the design, providing
shade and an atmospherically dense outdoor space.
The music rehearsal building is a timber structure lined inside with white fir panelling attuned to the acousticrequirements and outside with patinated copper.
Collaboraters: Julia Schwamberger, Thomas Gruber
Structural Engineer: Alfred R. Brunnsteiner, Natters
Acoustic Engineer: Atelier – arge steininger&zehetmayr
Client: Municipality Natters
Fertigstellung Dezember 2008
Nutzfläche 812 m² (davon 325 m² Veranstaltungsplatz überdacht)
Kubatur 3.070 m³ ( davon 950 m³ Veranstaltungsplatz überdacht)
Baukosten 1,0 Mio. €
Planungsumfang Generalplanung
Planungsteam DI Julia Schwamberger, Thomas Gruber
Akustik Atelier - arge steininger&zehetmayr
Statik DI Alfred R. Brunnsteiner ZT GesmbH
Fotos Birgit Köll
Kunst am Bau büro54