745 square feet is the total floor area of this residence. It is a good degree smaller than a typical Japanese house, which averages 1,070 to 1,300 square feet. Despite its diminutive scale, it has a living room, dining room, a children’s room, a second living room (which could become another children’s room or play area), a master bedroom, bathroom, and toilet. It is a compact house, but designed with careful attention to detail in order to utilize the space with supreme efficiency.
The different heights of the house and the omission of certain lines of sight allow the space to feel larger than its actual area. The ceiling of the living room, which also serves as an entrance, is just below seven feet high, but the horizontal line from the eaves to the earthen floor creates the sense that the eaves are part of the inner door.
A skip floor accessed through a stairwell connects some rooms. You can see the ground floor, the living room, and the children’s room from the dining/kitchen area easily.
There is a wood stove, which the client is passionate about, and indeed it warms the entire house, the heat rising up through the stairwell. Private areas are set at the end of the flow line to increase privacy.