Envisioned as an urban grove, this central gathering space represents the convergence of community in this diverse, mixed income, residential development. The design accommodates a complex program, layering the varied multi-cultural and intergenerational uses with a number of meaningful gathering and recreational spaces for the residents. Tai Chi, chess, children’s play areas, and contemplative seating areas allow for various groups to utilize the garden spaces in different ways. Lawn areas can be used for sunbathing in the summer and also provide the community with areas for flexible programming during larger gatherings, such as celebrations for the Chinese New Year, Russian Unity Day, and other cultural and civic events.
The plaza landscape design focuses on providing Mission Park with a landscape which draws its spirit from the regional gardens of New England. The plaza uses pavement materials which will endure the long, challenging winters, while the patterning itself is designed based on the herringbone patterns of residential landscapes. The plaza pattern stitches the areas of gathering and passage together while bringing a human scale to this large plaza space. The paved areas within the garden are carved out of the grove to allow for direct access to major entry points and public transportation.