The new school building is located in the proposed strategic place at the entrance to the city of Saint-Maurice and has the advantage of providing a new urban front to the Avenue des Terraux.
It clearly shows it belongs to the institutional, educational and sports place owing to the distance from the street and to the fact that the courtyard open to the south and the Dents-du-Midi.
Its U-shape takes all the surrounding school area into account and connects the several playgrounds to open green spaces and sports facilities.
The new construction, which is linked to the sports complex, offers wide access to the services installed at the court level, such as the theater / assembly hall, the cover of the Place des Fêtes, the double gym room and the judo hall. These activities denote the public status of the schoolyard. The upper floors are classrooms with a clear division of the two schools each accessible through a separate entrance.
The volume configuration that takes full advantage of the different levels makes the place and the courtyard easily accessible from the street, the station, the school area or the car parks. The project adds on to the existing sports complex as well as bringing spatial order into the current area.
Building client Cycle d’orientation association, Commune of Saint-Maurice
Address Chemin de la Tuilerie
Zip code 1890
Town St-Maurice, VD
Country Switzerland
Designers Mann & Capua Mann, architectes dipl. EPFL FAS SIA
Collaborator Thomas Wegener - Jessica Guiliani – Alexandre Gobbini
Building managment Regtec SA, Lausanne
Competition 2009
Building period 2011 - 2014
Status Completed
Fonction Educational and occupational training establishment
Floor levels Underground, ground +2
Photographer © Thomas Jantscher, Clarens
Structural engineering Kurmann & Cretton SA, Monthey
Facade Arteco SA, Chexbres
Heating/ ventilation/Sanitation Tecnoservice SA, Martigny
Electric engineering Lami SA, Martigny
Lighting engineer Aebischer & Bovigny SA, Lausanne
Acoustic Bruno Schroeter