RAFI was awarded the project by the Nevada State Public Works Board for a new computer technology and classroom building. A major reason for selecting the firm as it’s successful past history of designing one-of-a-kind prototypical projects; projects which are unique to one-of-a kind programs.
Project planning and design was funded in three phases: Schematic Design; Desgin Development and Construction Documents through Post Occupancy Evaluations and Warranty Review Services. Schematic Design incorporated Programming and Pre-design Services as well as Project Budgeting for funding by the following legislative session. Additional funds were made availavle on completion and approval of Schematic Design to complete Design Development.
The project site was pre-established as part of a newly completed campus master plan. The building location was in a seventy acre undeveloped segment of campus void of any existing infrastructure. Two existing neighboring campus buildings were to the northwest of the identified site – and a new branch public library was located to the northeast of the proposed building location. To the north of campus is commercial development along Charleston Bouldevard with residential neighborhoods backing commercial development along Charleston. To the east of campus is the State Mental Health facility serving both community-based and secured clients. To the south of campus is Opportunity Village, a center for clients with developmental disabilities. To the west of campus is Bonanza High School and traditional residential neighborhoods.
Project Highlights: