Increasing interest in sustainable design has led to rapid growth of the CaGBC. The Council’s previous office quickly reached its capacity and the search began for a new office that could accommodate the anticipated growth over the next few years. This growth provided an opportunity to promote sustainable design in the development of the new office, or to quote the CaGBC, to “advocate for green buildings”. In keeping with the Council’s mission and commitment to sustainable design, the project is registered for certification with the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) under the LEED® Commercial Interiors (LEED-CI) rating system.The project integrates the needs of the CaGBC with good design principles, including sustainable design elements and LEED® concepts. Environmental aspects of the design include: • Optimizing natural light and views to the exterior with the open office design
• Reuse of materials, including carpeting, and local salvaged wood from the Ottawa river for the customer service counter and library area • Selection of low emitting materials and recycled content materials
• Installation of energy-efficient lighting with sensors and a sophisticated control system to significantly reduce the use of electricity in the office • Maintained the majority of the existing construction, reused some components within the project, and recycled most of the construction waste • Commitment to the space through a long term lease, lengthening the cycle of tenant fit-ups that often occurs with short-term leases • Green housekeeping practices by the property manager and tenant complement the sustainable principles of the project. To view a video of the project: