The area of café - bar is located in the back additional building of town house, which dates from the 90s of the 20th century. The reconstruction was cleaned out from age-old layers of "design" and the airing of the space by removing the original decorative arches. Additional building fills the whole ground and therefore the only source of daylight is the original skylight.
From the beginning investor insisted on retaining the original name "Fountain Bar" but there was a change during works. The name here served as a source of inspiration to the concept of discourse space. Free Association: Fountain - geyser - water level evoke a dynamic, changing shape and color story. This variability of light, flickering lights, colors and reflections are inscribed in the interior by a form of undulating structure of lighter color changing fibers. The whole area is delineated monochromatically that its effect is most emphasized. The light creates color information whereas curtly dealt space focuses on the materialization. Important is the surface of the light - its texture, a fine contrast between matte and glossy surfaces.
The space is light colored structure of light-conducting fibers. The fibers with a diameter of 3 millimeters through 12 glass frames that determine the final morphology. Total has been used over 1000 m fiber and two light sources that create gradual spillover colors through fibers. You can regulate the speed of color change or suspend it in a certain tone. The structure was designed using a parametric design method, where based on our creating of software tools, were generated different shape variations after entering certain parameters. These were examined in visualization and then changed again. The basic parameters that can be changed are the dimensions and distance of glass frames, their radius controlled by ripple control circles, the number of fibers passing through the frame, their densification, etc. The method of parametric design served not only for finding the optimal shape, but also to easily create production drawings glass frames and accurate determination of the required length fibers.
The new name "Aquarium" is derived from 6 m wide aquarium, which is integrated into the front panel. Together with light structure create a major dominant of space and compensate for missing view of the street. In the openable front panel are located aquarium technology and resources light color changing fibers. Fine fiber network also serves as a breaker sounds. RGB LED strips deposited on glass frames are used for any illumination and coloring space.