Admiral Music Lounge is open once more in Giessen, Germany. The opening night was celebrated with a fashion show, guests of which were many celebrities. Admiral Music Lounge hardly could be compared to other clubs in Germany. Proof is the fact that among the visitors of Admiral are international celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Eminem, and many others.
Responsible for the recreation of Admiral Music Lounge is Bulgarian-based interior design company IDEA International. The company has also worked on an array of project types — hospitality, residential, food and beverage, product, yacht, and set design. The nightlife scene in many cities in Europe, such as Barcelona, Berlin, and London, was changed drastically because of the clubs created by IDEA International.
The company gave Admiral Music Lounge the refreshment it needed, making it shine brightly once again. IDEA redesigned the club, creating a new bar with a contemporary feel to it, using the help of light and sound systems. The atmosphere in the Admiral gives visitors the feel of a unique experience.
The main attraction in Admiral is a chandelier created by 40,000 RPG pixels, making the most complex diode system created by IDEA International. The chandelier is reminiscent of a vortex creating a light tornado.
The dance floor also has the uniqueness typical of all of IDEA’s creations. The dance floor is 3D and the DJ area is completely made of glass, which makes it invisible and part of the 3D “magic” of the club.