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Arkkitehtitoimisto Brunow & Maunula Oy

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Domus Gaudium

Arkkitehtitoimisto Brunow & Maunula Oy

The operations of Brunow & Maunula combine the solid traditions of Finnish architectural design, modern work practices and the latest IT applications. The partners in the practice studied and worked under the former generation of Finnish masters. Many of the long-time staff have recently acquired head architect qualifications. The talented young employees are proficient in the use of the most sophisticated design software used in the sector. Our operations cover all the traditional areas of architectural design from urban planning to furniture design. The practice has been ranked high in international civic building and urban design competitions. In Finland its award-winning designs include several residential projects, a shopping centre, a cultural centre and a library building. The current expertise of the practice has accumulated through these high-profile design commissions. Our list of clients includes the most important public-sector developers in Finland, such as Senate Properties, the University of Helsinki, the Cities of Helsinki and Espoo and the biggest private-sector developers, including NCC, YIT and Skanska as well as the significant non-profit developers of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, HOAS, VVO and Sato.Our reference list below shows all the projects executed by the practice. The Projects Header includes photos and further details on some sixty executed projects, including new build or refurbishment, urban and development plans as well as projects currently underway. 
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
fax: +358-9-7744 5055
work: +358-9-7744 500
